Monday, September 13, 2010

Bscit syllabus


Computational Mathematics
Systems Programming
Object oriented Programming
Computer Networks
Logic, Discrete Mathematical Structures

CLASS: B. Sc.IT Semester - III
SUBJECT: Computational Mathematics

Introduction to Errors in Numerical Calculations: - Absolute Error, Relative Error,
Percentage Error. Solution to Algebraic and Transcendental Equation: - Bisection
Method, the Method of False Position, Newton-Raphson Method. Interpolation: -
Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Newton’s Forward Difference
Interpolation, Newton’s Backward Difference Interpolation, Lagrange’s Interpolation.
Least- Square Curve fitting: - Fitting a straight line, Parabola. Solution of
simultaneous algebraic equations (linear): - Cramer’s Rule, Gauss Elimination
Method, Gauss Elimination with partial pivoting, Gauss-Jordan Method, Gauss-
Seidel Method. Numerical solution of 1st and 2nd order differential equations: - Taylor
series, Euler’s Method, Modified Euler’s Method, Runge-Kutta Method for 1st and 2nd
Order Differential Equation, Picard’s Method. Numerical integration: - Trapezoidal
Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule, Simpson’s 3/8 Rule, Linear Programming: - Linear
Programming Model and their Graphical Solutions. Transportation problems

S. S. Sastry, “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis” PHI
V. Rajaraman, “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”, PHI
Mathews, “Numerical Methods for Scientist & Engineers” PHI
Taha, “Operations Research” PHI
Balguruswami, “Numerical Methods” TMH
Numerical Anaysis Richard L Burden, J Douglas Faires, Brooks/cole, Thompson
Numerical Methods for Engineers with programming and Software Applications, Steven C.
Chapra, Raymond P. Canale, McGraw Hill International
Applied Numerical Methods For Engineers, Using Matlab and C Robert J Schilling
Sandra L Harris Brooks/cole, Thompson Learning

R. M. Baphana “ Numerical Methods” Technova Publication

Term Work
Should contain at least 10 assignments covering the syllabus
Tutorial should contain 5 assignments
C programming for Numerical methods

CLASS: B. Sc.IT Semester - III
SUBJECT: Systems Programing

Unix Shell Programming
Unix Operating system Overview: Unix System Architecture, Operating system
General Unix commands: Unix commands like ls , cp etc, Unix utilities like grep, wc
Fundamentals of Unix shell programming: Functions, variables, special symbols,
looping and decision making, test command, error checking in shell programming.
Introduction to “vi editor“, Features, Use of various keys, and over all using vi editor
for editing text.
Security in Unix : Password, Characteristic of good password, Files permissions ,
Directory permissions
Elementary Unix networking : Inter-system mail, ftp , telnet , uucp, cu, Basic network topologies.
Introduction to AWK utility: command-line structure , flow control , built-in functions.
Unix C Programming
Introduction to gcc – C compiler, Compiling and Executing C – programs on UNIX
Unix System Programming
System calls: Files related: File subsystem, File descriptor, File table, Inode, File
Descriptor table, Inode table, Process related: Process, Process table, Child

process, Mode of execution, Orphans, Pipes, Semaphores.

Working with Unix – Vijay Mukhi , BPB Publications
UNIX – The Complete Book, A guide for professional Users, Galgotia
Understanding Unix – A conceptual Guide, R.Groff & P.N. Weinberg,BPB
The UNIX Programming environment , Pike rob & Kerningham Brain W, Prentice
UNIX training guide by Clifford Mould, Wheeler publications.
Operating Systems, William Stallings, Prentice-Hall of India pvt ltd
Operating Systems Concepts and DesignMilan Milenkovic, TMG
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Andrew S Tanenbaum, Albert S
Woodhull, Prentice-Hall of India pvt ltd
Operating Systems with case studies in UNIX NETWARE, WINDOWS NT Achyut S

Godbole, TMG

Term Work
Should contain at least 10 assignments covering the syllabus executed in the
Tutorial should contain 5 assignments
3 -5 programs on Shell Programing and 3-5 programs on C – Programming using
UNIX / Linux / IRIX / Solaris

CLASS: B. Sc.IT Semester - III
SUBJECT: Object Oriented Programing

Approaches to reusability
Towards object technology
Abstract data types
Object-oriented techniques
The static structure: classes
The run-time structure: objects
Memory management
Design by Contract: Building reliable software
When the contract is broken: exception handling
Supporting mechanisms
Introduction to inheritance
Multiple inheritance
Inheritance techniques
Global objects and constants
Object-oriented methodology: applying the method well
On methodology
Design pattern: multi-panel interactive systems
Inheritance case study: "undo" in an interactive system
How to find the classes
Principles of class design
Using inheritance well
Useful techniques
A sense of style
Object-oriented analysis
The software construction process
Concurrency, distribution, client-server and the Internet
Object persistence and databases

OOP by Timothy Budd, TMG
OOP by Bahrami
Object Oriented programmimg using C++, E. Balaguruswamy, TMG
Object oriented Programming in C++, Nabajyoti Barkakati, Prentice-Hall of India pvt
Object Oriented Programming Using C++, Joyce Farrell, Course Technology
Thompson Learning
Object oriented Modeling and design by James Rumbaugh, Prentice Hall Int.
Object oriented Analysis and Design by G. Booch

Term Work
Should contain at least 10 assignments covering the syllabus executed in the
Tutorial should contain 5 assignments
Case Study

CLASS: B. Sc.IT Semester - III
SUBJECT: Computer Networks

Introduction: - History of Network Developments, Network Hardware, Network
Software. Mode of transmission: - Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission,
Half and Full duplex Transmission, Concept of DTE and DCE, Concept of Intrefacing
DTE and DCE. OSI Reference Model (7 Layers):- Functions of each OSI Model
Layer. The Physical Layer: - Transmission media, Introduction to various
Connections used in Network: - RJ 45, RS -232, etc. The Data Link Layer: - Stop –
and – Wait Flow Control, Sliding – Window Flow Control, Error Detection, Cyclic
Redundancy Check, Stop – and - Wait ARQ, Selective – Reject ARQ, High- level
Data Link Control (HDLC) and its Operation, X.25 Protocol, Token bus and Token
Ring. Multiplexing: TDM, TDM link control, Framing, Pulse Stuffing, FDM, Statistical
TDM. Switching Concepts: Circuit Switching, Packet Switching: - Datagram
Approach, Virtual Circuit Approach. The Network Layer: - Routing: - Characteristics,
Performance Criteria, Decision time and place. Routing Strategies:- Alternate
Routing, Adaptive Routing, Fixed Routing, Flooding. Congestion Control. The IP
Protocol: - IP Addressing, Subnets, Internet Control Protocols. The TCP Protocol: -
the TCP Segment Header, TCP Connection Management. The Application Layer: -
DNS, SNMP. Introduction to Equipments used in Networking: - Bridges, Hubs,
Switches, and Routers. Concepts of Network Security:- Encryption , Public Key,
Digital Signature, Introduction to Other Technologies:- ATM, Frame Relay, ISDN,
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) communication, Global positioning System
Distributed Computing: - Fundamentals, What is Distributed Computing? Evolution of
DCS, DC System Models, Advantages and Disadvantages of DCS, Comparison with

Centralized OS.

Reference Books:
Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, PHI,
Douglas E. Comer, “Computer Networks and Internets” 2nd ed, Addison Wesley,1999
Bertseakas and Galleger, “Data Networks” PHI
Scwartz, “Telecommunication Networks” Addison
Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India
Understanding Data Communications and Networks, William A Shay, brooks/cole
Thompson Learning
Distributed Operating Systems, P.K. Sinha, IEEE Press
Distributed Operating Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India

Term Work
Should contain at least 10 assignments covering the syllabus
Tutorial should contain 5 assignments
Case Study: Learn the Network design implemented in the Institutes Laboratory or
any hypothetical Network and prepare a 15 – 20 pages report, with Network
Diagram, and considerations for expansion of Network.

CLASS: B. Sc (Information technology) Semester - III
SUBJECT: Logic, Discrete Mathematical Structures

Fundamentals - Sets and subsets, Operations on sets, Sequences, Division in the
integers, Mathematical structures
Logic – Propositions and Logical operations, Conditional Statements, Methods of
proof, mathematical induction
Counting – Permutations, Combinations, The pigeon hole principle, elements of
probability, recurrence relations
Relations and Digraphs – Product sets and partitions, relations and digraphs, paths
in relations and digraphs, properties of relations, equivalence relations, computer
representation of relations and digraphs, manipulation of relations, Transitive closure
and Warshall;s algorithm
Functions – Functions for computer science, permutation functions, growth of
Graph theory – Graphs, Euler paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits,
coloring graphs
Order relations and structures – Partially ordered sets, External elements of partially
ordered sets, Lattices, Finite Boolean algebra, Functions on Boolean algebra,
Boolean functions as Boolean polynomials
Trees – labeled trees, tree searching, Undirected trees, Minimal spanning trees
Semigroups and groups – Binary operations, semigroups, products and quotients of
semigroups, groups, Products and quotients of groups
Languages and finite state machines – Languages, representation of special
languages and grammars, Finite state machines, Semi groups , machines and
languages, machines and regular languages
Groups and coding – Coding of binary information and error detection

Decoding and error correction

Discrete structures by B Kolman RC Busby, S Ross PHI Pvt. Ltd.
Discrete structures by Liu
Digital Logic John M Yarbrough Brooks/cole, Thompson Learning
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Kenneth H. Rosen TMG
Discrete Mathematics for computer scientists and Mathematicians, Joe L.Mott,
Abraham Kandel Theodore P. Baker, Prentice-Hall of India pvt ltd
Discrete Mathematics With Applications, Susanna S. Epp, Books/Cole Publishing
Discrete Mathematilcs, Schaum’s Outlines Series, Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson,

Term Work
Should contain at least 10 assignments covering the syllabus
Tutorial should contain 5 assignments


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